Current status, context and issues facing Vietnam's state economy in the period to 2030, vision to 2045

Kim Chung Tran1,
1 Nguyên Phó Viện trưởng, Viện Quản lý kinh tế Trung ương

Main Article Content


The state economy plays a leading role in the socialist-oriented market economy, and is an important material force for the State to orient and regulate the economy, contributing to macroeconomic stability. Vietnam is a highly open economy, so economic development in general and the state economy in particular are greatly influenced by the regional and global business environment. This article focuses on analyzing the role of the state economy, clarifying the current state of state economic development over the past 10 years, assessing the impact of the development context, and from there finding some solutions. Strengthen the position and role of Vietnam's state economic sector in the period up to 2030, with a vision to 2045.

Article Details


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